some questions

-Why do people pronounce “Missouri” as “Missourah”?  Where does the “ah” come from?

-Why do some people legitimately support meninsim?

-What exactly determines music taste?  Is it simply developed from what environment you’re in/what you’re exposed to, or is it something inborn that makes some people like indie and others country and so on?

-Why is diet coke more addicting than other soda?

-Why has Trump made it this far in the election?

-Do bugs have ears?  Or a sense of smell?

-Who got the idea to eat honey?  Why would that ever seem like a good idea?

-How do out of body experiences occur and what do they feel like?

-Can Theresa Caputo really talk to dead people?

-Can I come back as a ghost if I want to?

-Why do women’s clothing sizes differ SO much from store to store?

-Do products from infomercials really end up generating significant profit?

-Did anyone actually think that Rollie Hands-Free Automatic Egg on a Stick Maker was a good idea?? (see above question)

-What’s my dog’s name in dog?

-How many psychopaths/criminals/serial killers are living in your neighborhood?

-What artists from the 2000’s will end up in the art history textbooks and museums of the future?

-What will social media in 10 years be like?

-What will the long-term effects of growing up with social media be on this generation?

-What is it like to have synesthesia?  I wonder what my name would taste like, and what color it would be?

-to be continued probably I have a lot of questions

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